Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Big Friend: Spine and Completed cover

This afternoon, I have been creating the spine for my cover, and then assembling the final cover.

To make the spine, I made a thin canvas, with the same height as both the covers. I then brought over my name, and the book's title, from the front cover.
To make the spine more recogniseable, I added some iconography from the front cover - the mountains, and clouds. The colours are matched from the cover, also.
Next, I placed this spine onto an extra wide canvas, so as to assemble the complete cover.
And here, the covers are added and aligned. I trimmed the canvas, and added dark lines between the two covers and the spine, to finalize the look.
And here's the complete, full cover!

And as a little bonus, here's the cover in a miniature, physical form!

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