Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Big Friend: Back cover sketch

This morning, I've been working on the pencil sketch for the back cover of Big Friend. A lot had to be developed rather quickly for this one, as I hadn't explored this concept yet.
This isn't the most exciting work in progress shot, but this box here shares the same measurements as used in the front cover, so as to maintain the proportions of the entire cover.
Here's just a tiny scamp of the layout for the back cover, done in a couple of seconds. Look at those grumpy little robots.
In sketching out the grumpy little robots, I created a new character - the little girl robot's Dad! He doesn't like Big Friend, which you'll see soon.
 I started on Big Friend's big legs. He has big, blocky feet, to emphasize his heavy, stompy nature.
 I then added more of Big Friend, and began to populate the environment. Notice the gap in the floor?
 That gap's there to accommodate the girl 'bot, and her Dad! He's certainly not pleased with Big Friend...
I then proceeded to add the backdrop - a cityscape, that Big Friend is likely not welcome in. Also, the box for the blurb is present - that blurb will be added digitally, so I can rewrite it if I feel the need to.
I then added in a new point of criticism for Big Friend, by giving him muddy feet. Perhaps the problem is that he leaves big muddy footprints everywhere?

 And we're all set for colouring, and adding text! This sketch is a lot cleaner than yesterdays, so it should be easier to deal with in Photoshop.

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