Thursday, 10 April 2014

Big Friend: Overview

My final piece for this unit in Graphics is the cover for a children's book by the name of Big Friend. The book would tell the story of a giant robot named Big, who is not accepted in his home, Robot city. So, he and his small friend Sally Boltscrew go on an adventure to find something that will change people's minds on what they think of Big. This change in perception, along with the use of advanced machines as my characters, is how I tie in my piece with the theme 'Evolution and Change'. 

I chose a complimentary colour scheme, using only shades of blue and orange - this is not only because this colour scheme is pleasing on the eyes, but also because of the theme of the story the cover would enclose - the idea of two characters 'complimenting' each-other. 

The front and back cover were first created using physical means - pencil on card - and were then brought into Photoshop CS6 for treatment and colouring. The full cover was then assembled digitally, and for a bit of fun, produced physically in a miniature form.

If I were to go back and do this again, there's not much I would change, as I am very pleased with the simplistic nature of the illustrations. However, I would maybe use crosshatching techniques to add more shading to the illustrations, but at the current time I don't personally think they'd quite fit the style.

Creative process

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Big Friend: Spine and Completed cover

This afternoon, I have been creating the spine for my cover, and then assembling the final cover.

To make the spine, I made a thin canvas, with the same height as both the covers. I then brought over my name, and the book's title, from the front cover.
To make the spine more recogniseable, I added some iconography from the front cover - the mountains, and clouds. The colours are matched from the cover, also.
Next, I placed this spine onto an extra wide canvas, so as to assemble the complete cover.
And here, the covers are added and aligned. I trimmed the canvas, and added dark lines between the two covers and the spine, to finalize the look.
And here's the complete, full cover!

And as a little bonus, here's the cover in a miniature, physical form!

Big Friend: Back cover

I have, through the past couple of hours, I've coloured in the back cover of Big Friend, and added in the blurb, and monetary information.
 The first job was cleaning up the scan of the pencil drawing for use digitally. This was done using the levels and threshold tools, like before.
 Then with the pen tool, I began the colouring with Big's legs. I am again staying within the constraints I had set with the front colour.
 I then coloured in the girl and her dad. I gave them matching colour schemes, to emphasize their kinship.
 Next, I coloured the blurb box, again using Big and the girl's predominant colours.
 Next, I and coloured in all the background details. I added a dark blue overlay over the image, to darken the tones as if at nighttime.
 The next job was to add the monetary information, which began with the generation of a barcode for the book.
 This barcode was then boxed together in this simple little arrangement. The ISBN number, RRP, and FSC logo are all important in real world publications, so I've added them here.

 I wrote out my blurb in Windows' Notepad application, and then brought it into Photoshop. I varied the sizes of some of the words to add variation and interest to the blurb.
And here's the finished product! Later today, I shall be sprucing up both covers, and then making a spine, and finally assembling the entire cover!

Big Friend: Back cover sketch

This morning, I've been working on the pencil sketch for the back cover of Big Friend. A lot had to be developed rather quickly for this one, as I hadn't explored this concept yet.
This isn't the most exciting work in progress shot, but this box here shares the same measurements as used in the front cover, so as to maintain the proportions of the entire cover.
Here's just a tiny scamp of the layout for the back cover, done in a couple of seconds. Look at those grumpy little robots.
In sketching out the grumpy little robots, I created a new character - the little girl robot's Dad! He doesn't like Big Friend, which you'll see soon.
 I started on Big Friend's big legs. He has big, blocky feet, to emphasize his heavy, stompy nature.
 I then added more of Big Friend, and began to populate the environment. Notice the gap in the floor?
 That gap's there to accommodate the girl 'bot, and her Dad! He's certainly not pleased with Big Friend...
I then proceeded to add the backdrop - a cityscape, that Big Friend is likely not welcome in. Also, the box for the blurb is present - that blurb will be added digitally, so I can rewrite it if I feel the need to.
I then added in a new point of criticism for Big Friend, by giving him muddy feet. Perhaps the problem is that he leaves big muddy footprints everywhere?

 And we're all set for colouring, and adding text! This sketch is a lot cleaner than yesterdays, so it should be easier to deal with in Photoshop.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Big Friend: Front cover

This afternoon, I have been colouring the front cover of Big Friend, using Photoshop.

Here is the initial sketch, altered using the Levels and Threshold utilities, to bring out the lines to a much fuller form. I also used the Magic Wand tool to remove the papery background, leaving only the lineart.
I then grabbed my colour wheel, and isolated two bands of colour that I wanted to use. I have chosen opposing colour bands, so I can use a complimentary colour scheme.
I then coloured in big friend, using the Pen tool. I've chosen cool, blue colours, to match the character's mood and temperament. The orange in his eyes is there to represent his warm heart - it is said that the eyes are windows to the soul, after all.
Next, his little lady friend got colours. Her colour palette is designed to oppose Big Friend's. Perhaps in the story, she's originally very negative towards him, but later changes her mind?
The 'BIG' in the title has been coloured using Big Friend and the lady robot's predominant colours. The patches are coloured with the lady robot's orange, to give the message that she 'fixes' him.
The mountains then use dark, browny oranges. However, I have made them to be more subdued, to clarify depth. The snow is also a very light blue.
I found it very difficult to mix an orangey hue for the sun, and also thought that it added some unneeded clutter to the scene, so I instead removed the sun altogether - it's probably in front of the robots. I also coloured in the clouds with the same blue as the snowcaps on the mountains.

I then created a duplicate of the colour shape for the front cloud, and altered it's colour and layer style so as to give the impression of it casting a shadow on Big Friend. I used the eraser to remove any bits of shadow that weren't needed.
All done! Tomorrow, I shall be producing the back cover, and the spine, using the same methods that I've used here. I may also make some changes to this front cover, too. We'll see!

Big Friend: Front cover sketch

I have produced the initial pencil sketch for the Big Friend front cover, which will be used in the final version. It took me around an hour to produce, using Pencil. 
 I started out on Big Friend himself. He's very Boxy, so all that was needed was to draw lots of cubes.
 Once I'd done all the boxes on Big Friend's anatomy, I used a protractor to create a faint curve...
 ...which I then used as a guide for a nice, fluffy cloud.
This is a little bonus really, but I doodled this dude to test my pencil. He's pretty amazed by something or other...
I then added in Big Friend's little friend, who I've decided will be a girly robot. I also gave him his adorable smile, and the little window on his chest, showing off his mechanisms.
I then gave the duo something to admire - some big mountains. I used the bottom of the protractor to give the mountains lovely straight lines.
I then drew in the title. The two words are meant to represent the two characters - Big Friend, with his big clunky metal shapes, and the little lady robot, with elegant, swooshy lines. I also added another cloud behind the title, for depth's sake.
Two new clouds then joined the party. They've got flat bottoms, as inspired by the wallpaper that is iconic to Pixar's Toy Story series.
And we're all set! Thanks to Greg for the amazing ruler.
And here's the scan that I'll be sprucing up and colouring in Photoshop over the course of today and perhaps tomorrow.